Music for all

Enfants des orchestres Démos Lyon Métropole sur la scène de l’Auditorium

For nearly 20 years, the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon has been offering a wide variety of projects, through its cultural initiatives, to experience music to the full.

Twenty years of cultural initiatives

For nearly 20 years, the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon has been offering a wide variety of projects, through its cultural initiatives, to experience music to the full.

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Concert À vos instruments

Musical creation workshops

In the Musical Creation Workshops – a flagship initiative of the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon – collective music making and a personal experience of the world of the orchestra are the focus of a long-term project.

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Ateliers sonores

The Sound Workshops are designed to give everyone an opportunity to explore and play music together.

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Atelier sonore - Eveil musical

Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole

In September 2017, the Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon and a large number of social, artistic and educational partners embarked on the DÉMOS project and formed the Orchestre Démos Lyon Métropole.

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Enfants des orchestres Démos Lyon Métropole

Professional guidance and support

The AO and the Conservatoire national supérieur musique et danse de Lyon (CNSMD) are long-standing partners and together develop large-scale projects.

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Musicienne sur scène

Orchestre de la Part-Dieu

Vous souhaitez intégrer un orchestre symphonique et rêvez de jouer à l’Auditorium ? L’AO crée pour vous l’Orchestre de la Part-Dieu. Rejoignez-nous pour vivre une aventure musicale exceptionnelle !

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Orchestre amateur de la Part-Dieu en répétition

Partenariat ALAE

The Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon is a partner in the leisure activities organised in primary schools before and after school, coordinated by the City of Lyon’s education department.

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Community initiatives

The Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon is committed to helping underprivileged regions and the most fragile people.

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