Fermeture estivale

Nous vous informons que le guichet de billetterie est fermé du samedi 20 juillet au lundi 19 août 2024 inclus. Pendant cette période, vous pouvez continuer à réserver vos places à l’unité ou vous abonner en ligne. Pour toute question, vous pouvez également nous écrire à onl.billetterie@mairie-lyon.fr, nous vous répondrons à partir du 20 août. Nous vous souhaitons un très bel été.

Team-building exercises

Atelier adultes autour des percussions

Music, in addition to having “charms to soothe the savage breast”, is a source of personal and collective fulfilment. It generates individual emotions and unites us as we share a timeless experience. The values it conveys echo corporate values such as an ability to listen, creativeness and the accomplishment of a common project.

For businesses The Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon runs corporate team-building exercises aimed at building bonds between your employees through collective music-making, and strengthening team cohesion.

Leveraging over 20 years of experience in cultural mediation, we work with you to construct a bespoke team-building activity, starting out with the themes offered in our Sound Workshops. Our teams work with your input to meet your expectations and offer your employees an unforgettable experience and special opportunities to meet our artists.

« The first time, I came with a work colleague during our lunch break. I took part in the voice workshop (La voix dans tous ses états). I wanted to improve my public speaking skills, which are very useful in my line of work. The workshop revealed what I was really capable of! I was able to position my voice, make it more audible and forceful... discover it, in a sense ! »

Laurence, communication manager working at Part-Dieu.

We can also provide areas for continuing your team-building session with work meetings.


Victoria Vernier

Chargée du mécénat et des privatisations
04 78 95 95 03

Auditorium-Orchestre national de Lyon

04 78 95 95 95
149 rue Garibaldi
69003 Lyon

The Auditorium and the Orchestre national de Lyon: music in the heart of the city. 160 concerts per season : symphonic concerts, recitals, films in concerts, family concerts, jazz, contemporary and world music, but also workshops, conferences, afterworks ...